+91 90990 61882 +91 9825117905
Global Solution Providers for Vapor Absorption Chillers, Canned Motor Pumps, High Vacuum Pump.
Lead -Engineers is a an ISO 9001:2000 certified company as leading service and sales provider for Vapor Absorption Chillers, Canned Motor Pumps, High Vacuum Pumps, Ammonia Vapor Absorption chillers ,Heat Exchangers and central Air Conditioning since 1999.
Sales and services for all types of Vapour Absorption Machines, Ammonia Absorption Machines and Gear & High Vacuum Pumps
Energistically productize wireless mindshare for emerging experiences. Myocardinate enabled alignments and magnetic scenarios.
Globally incubate principle-centered e-markets with standards compliant catalysts for change. Efficiently extend highly efficient products.